
TestingXperts selected as a testing partner for a leading medical devices supplier

TestingXperts (Tx) partners with a leading medical devices supplier for dentists to support the functional and regression testing of their applications. The client supports dentists in all aspects of their practices by providing technology solutions, equipment, repair, supplies, consulting and continuing education. The project involves testing the client’s ERP application across various business functions like sales, finance, HR, inventory management and distributor management. Tx crafted a holistic solution for the client to take care of their immediate and long term QA needs and ensure timely release of the application with high quality. Tx’s solution involves testing of the application in agile environment with shift left approach, with a flexible resourcing structure to address the varying demands. Tx will help the client evaluate the user stories and achieve complete test coverage. Going forward, Tx will also undertake test automation of their data warehouse testing. Tx looks forward to adding exceptional value to the client by its modern QA and software testing services.

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